Contact Management Software
Contact Management software programs provide the tools to easily access and maintain your customer contact records. Many programs offer communication logs, calendars, to-do lists, scheduling, e-mailing options, and other bells and whistles designed for time management, record keeping and review that will make your job much easier.
I don’t want to discourage you from buying this type of software, because the good news is that once you find one that best serves your business, you will save an incredible amount of time tracking your customers.
But, blindly buying a program just because of the bells and whistles, or even because it was created specifically to support your real estate business, may end up costing you a lot more than money.
If the program doesn’t meet your data record needs, or makes searching, sorting and exporting your lists difficult, the time spent to learn the program and to use your data is lost. You may end up torn between the decision to buy and learn a new program that better meets your needs or keep one that doesn’t quite work for you simply because of the time and expense you’ve already invested.
My advice: don’t buy until you’re sure about the data that you need to keep and you’re doubly sure that the software you’re considering meets your needs and provides the highest level of searching, sorting, and exporting functions possible.
Computer software is not always ideal for any given circumstance. Here’s a challenge that I’ve personally come up against: I have yet to work with a computer program that offers all the versatility I want. Many come close and close is usually as good as it gets. Close is how I determine a suitable software purchase.
If you find a program that contains the functions you want to manage your contact data and offers enough functionality to rig it, wiggle it, or find what you need in as few steps as possible, then it may be a good fit. Just don’t buy until you’re sure that the program is at least close to what you need.
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